Volunteer management

Get the most out of your volunteer team: put the right volunteer at the right position and plan your volunteers according to your needs and their preferences.
Our volunteer management feature helps you to keep your list of volunteers complete and up to date. You are able to simply keep track of anything a single volunteer does or prefers during their job. Whether it is about their diet, or how they do their job at your festival – you always have a clear overview of information about each volunteer.
Volunteer selection
In Fiona, you can manage your volunteers for each festival edition. Fiona enables you either to re-invite your best volunteers from a previous edition or to start from scratch. Also, Fiona allows you to view a volunteer’s complete history within your festival. This way, your volunteer management is always accurate.
A volunteer fills out an entry form. Every volunteer will have their own record in Fiona that provides the most actual status and information about their (preferred) roles, emails you have sent to them and their shifts.
Invite volunteers
Select volunteers and assign them to specific roles
Add badges
Keep track of personal preferences
Volunteer planning
Each festival year, you can set up rules for shift types and roles. You can setup training shifts and assign one role at the time to a volunteer. Schedule them based on their position(s) and communicate, via the MyFestival integration, their shifts easily through email, on your website.
Would you like your volunteers to pick their own shifts? You can extend your Fiona with our shiftpicker module.
Setup shifts per location and role
Assign volunteers to shifts
Set up training shifts
Communicate scheduled shifts via email or website