Media and publication
In Fiona, you can provide films, persons, and shows with a lot of detailed information. In addition to this data, we offer the possibility to add all kinds of content that reveals more about a film or person. Write and translate texts and add images and videos. Once you have collected the right content, you can make it public: with just a single click of a button, Fiona publishes the selected content to your website, to your Festival App, or to your ticketing provider – or to all three.
Full control on publication
With our publication API, Fiona enables you to publish anything to all your online channels. Whether you want to publish your full festival program or just one still to a film page on your website – you are in control.
Grant publication rights to the one’s responsible for your online content, and we will set up a publication channel. With our publication log, you keep track of who (un)publishes what.
Publish your content through our publication API
You decide which content you want to publish whereto
The publication log helps you to keep track of who publishes what
Write, translate and publish
A film festival website provides not only the full program and all details on a show, but you also might want to create some background stories on films, directors, or sponsored events. Within Fiona, you can specify the types of text (e.g., taglines, synopsis, biography, etc.) that needs to be written and translated for each topic.
Set up a contributor’s team of writers and translators. They can catch up on each other by using status lists and worklists – so at any moment, they know what has been done and what still needs to be done. Edit your texts with our WYSIWYG-editor – anything to let your content fit your website. When all texts are ready for publication, you select the channels you want to publish your content to, and in just a few seconds, it’s live.
Create a contributor’s team to collect all content
Use status lists and worklists to keep each other up to date
Easy and fast publication
Use tags to group your films
Create commonly used tags and provide each film with their own tags. A handy feature to easily group your films and shows to use as filters on your website. Like, you can filter on themes, genres, and audiences (like family films, kid films, and lgbtq+).
Easily group your films
Use as filters on your website